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GP Webinar

This webinar was held on: 30 January 2025
The meeting recording and all resources are available in a Google Drive, which you will be given access to if purchasing post-webinar.

Please allow 24 Business Hours post-purchase for access to the resources to be activated.

This webinar aims to equip General Practitioners with the knowledge and tools to start their own private practice.

Topics that will be covered during the webinar:

How it began for me, the things I've learnt and mistakes I've made. Examples will be given under each topic


1) The basics quick recap- BHF, MPS, HPCSA

2) The Money- starting, furnishing tips, size, rent vs buy, medical centre- do's and don'ts and how to prevent being "screwed over", commercial property shockers you may not be aware of.

3) The billing software- which one I use and why.

4) Staffing - all the legal stuff- I've got documents for you that'll save you time and money

5) Cash vs Medical aid- what is best - when and why 

6) Dispensing vs non dispensing - when is it beneficial?

7) Medical aid billing- tips and tricks I've learnt to maximize. Info about care programmes.

8) Social media marketing and management (this is a big one and we included discount codes to startup guides you will be able to purchase from a 3rd party provider on how to manage your Facebook and Instagram, without paying for someone to manage it initially) - I didn't build it into the price because it may not interest everyone.

9) Revenue generation- diversifying income streams- retainers, rentals, products, programmes.

10) Niche market development.

11) YOU are the asset- how to manage you as the asset. 


What you will receive: 

• A page of all my preferred service providers and their contact details.
• Big bonus: I will send you all my documents related to staff hire, letter of appointment; disciplinary, legislation etc that was done by 2 separate HR companies and paid for by myself ( 2 CCMA cases later and learning the hard way of what not to do).

By purchasing your webinar ticket you agree that:
This information is intended for educational purposes only and not intended for widespread distribution. Information contained in this seminar is intellectual property of Dr Mathir and as such cannot be distrubuted without her prior consent. Dr Mathir will not be held liable for any loss and or injury as a result of information shared and/ or acted upon within the seminar. This information is shared with the intention of helping doctors in starting a private practice. The amount of R600 payable is nonrefundable.

GP Webinar

  • IMPORTANT: To avoid technological mishaps, we ask that you complete your purchase using your gmail account. This will allow you to access the webinar on Google Meet without hassles.

    Once you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email with a PDF - this document covers the basic webinar details, and has 2 buttons:
    (Note: In most cases it is important to SAVE the document from your email, in order for the buttons to work).

    The rest of the document will guide you on how to join the webinar, using Google Meet, and how to access the resources included in your purchase.

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